Data Archive

โดย Microsoft

Reduce the amount of data a production environment by archiving data that is not needed anymore

Provides standard data archiving capabilities for Dynamics 365 Business Central. Over time, your business will accumulate a substantial amount of data, and as an administrator, it's probably a good idea to have a strategy for archiving data. Having lots of data can slow things down, for example, it might take slightly longer to generate reports, or even lock records. Additionally, large amounts of data can lead to increased storage costs. 

The Data Archive extension provides a basic framework for archiving and backing up data as part of date compression. When you use date compression, related entries are consolidated into a single entry, and the originals are deleted. However, there might be value in keeping that data, so rather than deleting it, you can archive it for later use. 

• Archived data is stored in the Tenant Media table 
• Integrated in the Date Compression processes 
• Extensible to other tables and data storage
• Easy export of archived data to Excel or CSV

Supported Editions:

This app supports both the Essential and Premium editions of Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Supported Countries:

All countries where Dynamics 365 Business Central is available. 

Supported Languages: 

All languages supported by Dynamics 365 Business Central.
